Monday, March 14, 2011

Mind Traveling back to Costa Rica.....

      The moment my foot touches the earth on a sun drenched Costa Rican beach, a secluded mountain trail, or a quirky side street in San Jose, a euphoric feeling washes over my whole being. I draw in a breath of fresh air and exhale expectantly, faintly whispering to myself "Pura Vida".  This is a well known saying throughout the country which translates to "Pure Life". The pure life is just what Costa Rica represents... pure, simple life.

     The main dilemma that one must address before visiting this fascinating country, is having to make up your mind about which places to visit and what activities to engage in. Costa Rica may only be the size of Virginia, but this small, yet incredibly bio- diverse country offers a seemingly endless supply of activities to check off your bucket list.  Take your pick from yoga on the beach, scuba diving with schooling hammerheads, riding a zip line through the tree tops next to howler monkeys, three-toed sloths and toucans, or soaking your tension away in healing mineral waters heated by an active volcano.  You will easily find something     to indulge yourself in whatever what your fancy.
    My first trip to Costa Rica I headed to the small bohemian town of Montezuma. My bamboo bungalow was nestled in a seemingly perfect spot of shade on the side of a mountain.  Each morning I would wake and peek out of from under my white satin sheets to enjoy the sun rising over the ocean into the purple and pink clouds that looked as if they were cotton candy waiting to be devoured.

By day, Montezuma is a quiet village with a few vendors on the streets selling jewelry and paraphernalia made from shells, rocks and exotic wood. You can find a scrumptious meal at any of the "sodas" on the beach. Soda is the local term for the small restaurants found throughout country. The food is simple, fresh and never fails to impress. My favorite meal here is the Montezuma sandwich, constructed from chicken, avocado, tomato, lettuce, and finished with a secret sauce that is out of this world. At night, the town turns into a stage with circus acts around every turn. Dancers put fire and hula hoops in motion to the tribal beat of dread-locked percussionists.

          As the days passed, I enjoyed snorkeling at Isla Tortuga,  and drove up the coast to Mai Pais to find some local surfers catching some waves. I discovered the most mouthwatering fried chicken I have ever eaten being served from a broken down bus repurposed into a roadside cafe.  
   That first trip only served to whet my appetite for Costa Rica and I returned a year later.  This time I started my adventure in the town of La Fortuna. This quaint town sits right below the Arenal, one of the world's most active volcanoes.  Lava flows from the Arenal over 280 days a year but was unfortunately dormant while I was there. Even though the usually present orange glow of lava was missing, the views of this magnificent creation were still breathtaking.  The La Fortuna waterfall found just a few kilometers away is equally impressive. 

     Tito, my new equine companion, took me for the ride of my life through the rainforest, jumping over fallen trees and balancing on muddy cliffs just inches from sheer drop-offs. Once we reached the top, and I got my heart rate back down, my tour guide and I continued the rest of our hike on foot. A wobbly bridge that, at the time, seemed to hang a thousand feet  over a babbling creek was just the first thrilling obstacle. Next came a walk down a seemingly endless staircase carved from the earth from mud and tree roots.

     Finally, we reached our goal. Bursting out of the side of the mountain with torrential force was a gorgeous waterfall. Its refreshing mist tickled my face, I felt as if I was in an enchanted dream and I had to pinch myself to make sure that it was real. The sheer glory of being in the presence of this waterfall caused me to stop and praise the God that created it. Just when I thought it could not be anymore perfect, two blue morpho butterflies fluttered their way into the scene.  After embracing the incredible moments of the place we began our hike back up the muddy stairs. My tour guide raced ahead far in front of me, still full of spunk and energy as he floated up the mountain. 
     We hopped back onto our horses and ended our journey in the small indian village of Palengue Tonjibe. As you enter the village you greet each other with a double knock on the shoulder and warmly say "Capi Capi" which is "welcome" in Maleku.  

     That day will be etched in my memory for all time and was part of another amazing trip to Costa Rica to be added to my travel journal.  Another adventure only served to inspire me even more and I constantly find myself daydreaming about possible itineraries.  Hope to see you soon in San Jose!

Pura Vida!

Check out a little collaboration of videos and photos from both my trips.

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